
Twelfth Cake. WELP. (December 13th, 2010)

Yeah. Not great. But listen, alright? Let me explain. I’ve had a busy week. You may or may not know that I am currently completing a graduate program in Communications Design at Pratt Institute, and, those of you who are familiar with the ebb and flow of the standard college semester will understand when I tell you that I am at the tail end of my first semester and I sort of want to eat fingers, that’s how stressed I am. Also, last week’s illness went away but left behind some sort of inner ear mess that causes me to fall over if I look up or down or pretty much anywhere that is not directly in front of me.

My brother suggested that I rename this thing “So Many Excuses,” and if it wasn’t such a good burn, I’d be a little offended. Also, he’s sort of a ginger, so, you know. He’s got his own issues to deal with.

If you look closely at the picture above, you’ll notice that there are two cakes, not one. It was my birthday on Friday, and after you get past the sad fact that I made my own birthday cake, you must recognize that I always have a Carvel cake on my birthday, cake blog or no. And in the battle between homemade and store-bought, you better believe Carvel took the W. But more on that later.

I started decorating this cake earlier in the week, and I knew ahead of time that I would be working on it throughout the week, because I couldn’t really devote more than an hour or so at a time. Colin and Donnelly came by, and Colin fulfilled his dream of being my sous.

As you can see, he was a bit of a whiner when I put him to work, and I had to downgrade him from “sous” to “dishwashing attendant.” I got to a stopping point, and I felt ok about the future of this cake. And if you’re wondering what the deal with this cake face is, it’s just a cartoon likeness that I have been known to draw and associate with my real self. And if you’re also wondering what the text on the cake says, because it’s basically illegible, it says “Happy Birthday, Me! You’re Awesome.”

On my actual birthday (Friday the 10th) I did not work on the cake. But I did eat a delicious burger among friends followed by a road trip to Milford where we laser tagged it up at a lovely establishment called “Smiles.” Milford is a solid half hour away, so to keep the fun level from dropping below what is generally considered acceptable for a birthday party, there was a sing-along in the car. Luckily I was able to capture it here. And here.

Cut to Sunday night, the family birthday dinner/tree decorating ceremony. I finished up the cake moments before dinner was served, and you can tell.

Gross. Well, maybe it tasted good? False. The Carvel cake was definitely fan favorite. Here, let me get right up next to the thing to show you the resemblance.


The cake was lame, but at least I’ve got this picture:

I didn’t really use any new techniques this week, so there’s not much to talk about on that front. Even now I feel like I’m rushing through this post because I’ve got to run through the final project presentation I’m giving in 50 minutes. So here are a couple more pictures. I’ma go eat some fingers.

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